Oil well blowout without crossflow:

Large-eddy simulation result for deepwater oil well blowout in zero crossflow condition. A snapshot at 19800 seconds after the blowout is chosen for illustration. The four panels are for the same snapshot, showing the contours of instantaneous gas concentration, oil concentration, vertical velocity, and normalized sea water temperature, respectively. In the top-right panel, the dashed lines and dash-dot lines indicate respectively the oil peeling region and trap region predicted by the empirical parameterization of Socolofsky et al. (2011, Geophys. Res. Lett.).
Oil well blowout with strong crossflow:

Large-eddy simulation result for deepwater oil well blowout in strong crossflow condition. A snapshot at 12000 seconds after the blowout is chosen for illustration. The four panels from left to right are for the same snapshot, showing the contours of instantaneous gas concentration, oil concentration, vertical velocity, and normalized sea water temperature, respectively.